Thursday 28 February 2013

Basic Narrative Ideas 2

Jack and Jill

1. Jack and Jill are on a mission. There is no water in their village, they have to get the water to save their town. They manage to get the water back but Jack and Jill die of dehydration.... They will be forever remembered.

2. Jack and Jill go up the hill to get water to make a water slide. They pour the water down the hill then slide down. Jack and Jill get hurt but it was worth it.

3. Jack and Jill are firefighters. They scale a building and put out the fire but Jack falls. Jill catches Jack! She hold his hand and promises that she won't let go... but she does anyway. Then she falls too. Kinda like titanic but Jill falls after Jack like immediately, not 100 years later.

Orange and Lemons

1. A bowl of fruit jiggling.

2. An orange walks into a pub. He goes up to the barman demanding to see Mr Lemon who he gambled with the other day. Orange wants his money and wants Mr Lemon to pay. Five farthings is a lot of money. There is a fight. Orange and lemon juice is made. 

3. Abstract explosion of yellow and orange.

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